Display Assembly
& Packout

Great Plains Packaging provides corrugated display assembly, packing and/or kitting services through our affiliate, Advanced Logistics & Fulfillment (ALF).

We provide outstanding turnkey fulfillment services to ensure that your product is delivered efficiently and accurately to the final destination. Our 425,000 sq. ft. secured assembly and fulfillment operation is in a climate controlled, underground facility with sufficient and flexible space. We are focused on quality, reducing your program costs, improve efficiencies, and get to market faster.

  • 45 Shipping and Receiving Dock Doors
  • Flexible Staffing Model / Adjust to Customer Needs & Seasonality
  • Multiple Fulfillment & CPG Certifications
  • 24 hr. Secure Facility with over 90 Surveillance Cameras
  • Warehousing & Inventory Management
  • Program Management / Planning Teams
  • Quality Control / On-Site Quality Staff
  • Logistics / Regional, DC’s or Direct to Retail

Learn More

The ever-changing retail landscape with the rise of ecommerce offering increased  product  choices  and categories,  coupled with internal company challenges, are driving the need for an efficient and effective supply chain to support customer  demand.

Our goal is to provide a mutually beneficial relationship with a high-level of service.  At ALF, both sides systematically control the availability and flow of goods to anticipate and meet consumer demand to grow their business.

Are you experiencing earlier peak seasons, limited warehouse space, or new customer preferences?

Our experience, resources, and services are designed to
reduce program cost, improve efficiencies, quality and speed to market.

ALF can help you with all your 

display assembly, product packout,

and shipping needs.


√  Temporary, Semi- or Permanent POP Displays

√  Multiple Styles (Pallet, Floor, PDQ’s, Club, etc.)

√  Display and Signage Kitting & Sorting

√  Display Disassembly and Disposal

√  and more!

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